NEED FOR POPULATION CENSUS Population is the total aggregate of persons inhabiting a country, district or area. According to the United Nations, (2006) a census is the total process of collectively compiling, and publishing demographics, economic and social data partaining, at the specified time or times, to all persons in a country or delineated territory. The UN further listed such data to include information on age, sex, family, size, marital status, economic activity and location, labour force, occupation, employment, level of education …
NEEDS FOR THE CONDUCT OF POPULATION CENSUS IN NIGERIA In this recent time, the President, Commander in Chief of the Armed Force s, His Excellency, Major General Muhammed Buhari( retd), has said it is a must to have National Census next year which in no doubt will help provide accurate data to facilitate socio- economic, political planning and development amongst others. Since 2006 when the National Population Commission (NPC) in Nigeria conducted the last population census under circumstances described as controversial in some quarters, know…
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